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Posts published in “Essays”

A Death In The Family

I never had a pet. I guess I just never bonded with animals. I didn't even like taking my son Mateo to the zoo when he was little. When Mateo was about a year or…

Dear Pope Benedict: Who’s Kidding Whom?

While we're at it, here's another question for your holiness. How many Sister Jane Kellys does it take to right the wrongs of the Catholic Church? That was the question racing through my mind the…

DA Lintott Files for Bankruptcy

Swamped by $1 million in debt despite a combined annual income of $204,000, incumbent Mendocino County District Attorney Meredith Lintott and her husband are seeking protection from creditors in federal bankruptcy court in Santa Rosa.

Off the Record

AN INDIGNANT editorial by D. Glenn O'Hara in last week's ICO thundered on about the inept management of a recent Point Arena City Council meeting, denouncing the Council for dithering through five hours in a…

Log Rustling, Fort Bragg Style

How an enterprising fisherman and timber worker lost almost half a million in lumber on the Mendo Coast.

Farm To Farm

The watermelon seeds finally showed up on Thurs­day, after a month of waiting and harassing the people in the office at United Genetics, or whatever the company name is. Evidently they'd never done business with…

Where’s The Outrage?

It was late Thursday afternoon in Ukiah and the Rooster’s ass is double dragging. Only one thing left to go, a couple Mexican flags for the house he can use on May Day and Cinco…
