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Posts published in “Essays”

Gelato, Babies Found in the Rubble and My SUV

A few weeks ago, we went out to celebrate the use and proper function of underpants.  It has been a long haul and we're not completely out of the woods yet, but things were going…

Ghosts Return to Haunt McCain & The US Press: Vietnam MIAs

The ghosts that haunt Senator John McCain are about 600 in number and right now they are mustering for an onslaught. McCain, one of America's foremost Republicans and President Barack Obama's opponent in 2008, is…

Who Will Take The Fifth?

Not me. I’m waiving my rights. Let's go out on a limb and predict the outcome of the Fifth District Supervisorial Race on Tuesday. The Fifth District -- those who vote anyway -- is at…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comforta­bly then I shall begin. First a special extra greeting to Robin the Robin, who is in town visiting her sister, Humming­bird. I can hardly get a…

Lintott & Pot—One More Time

Ukiah High School teacher Jeff Burrell can get on with his life after felony marijuana cultivation charges he faced were dropped Tuesday, in yet another confusing chapter in the saga of Mendocino County District Attorney Meredith Lintott.

Who the #$&% Is Teri Horton?

Teri Horton is a 70-something retired long-haul California truck driver who purchased an abstract painting from a thrift shop for $5 as a joke-gift for a friend which, Horton soon discovered, turned out to probably be a…

The Occasional Algae Fight

It rained and then it rained some more and just when we thought it was going to stop, it started again and then...  it was sunny.  No wind- just beautiful, lovely sunshine.  So I figured…

Fallout Continues In Vargas Case

Is it “consensual” when a man as an adult engages in sex with another who began molesting him as a boy?

The Parker Ranch Gallery

A deeply rural art gallery at the end of a Comptche dirt road is not likely to attract many visitors. Or any visitors. And sure enough its curator, Dan Parker, laughingly says of his remote…
