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Posts published in “Essays”

At Home With The Trumps

Donald and Melania Trump are seated at a secluded table awaiting lunch on one of Mar-a-Lago’s shaded patios. The worst of the unforgiving Florida sun…

What’s In A Name?

A lot more than we thought. Take Fort Bragg. Driven by the pique of social-justice activists, Fort Bragg’s in trouble, because of its name. Philip…

Baby Bach Will Be Heard

Even frivolous fictional characters have found a convenient whipping boy in the youngest son of J. S. Bach. The late, lamented Dr. Peter Schickele’s send-up…

Seeking Condors

Live in California all your life and if you love the out of doors there is a bird you’d want to seek out and observe:…

King Of Gonzo

“Gonzo journalism” was popularized by Hunter S. Thompson, and means injecting yourself, your antics and behavior, into the story and making it as much about…

Barbara Lee & ‘Jewish Hate’

The greatest threat to mankind is the cowardice of the Democratic Party. – Corbin Trent The Dissing of Barbara Lee When Kamala Harris was elected…

Nothing But The Truth

We are all, alas, susceptible to lesser and greater degrees of regrettable moral lapses; it’s the price of being human. Most of these best-forgotten incidents…

The Tourist [2000]

She walked in, diamonds first, tapping the tips of her long, slender fingers of one hand against the elegant fingers of the other. Her expression:…


I was waiting, weak but not in pain, through seven hours, with no foreseeable outcome. My symptoms had been puzzling: feeling hot when it was…

LVIII Forever

At last, the Super Bowl made it to Paradise.  There, a glittering being appeared, ethereal, ever-loving. She could sing like an Angel because she was…

What Are Angelheaded Hipsters, Anyway?

Allen Ginsberg's “Howl” is perhaps the iconic poem of the past half century, but from the moment it was first published 68 years ago, it…
