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Posts published in “Essays”

Riding The Withlacoochie

The Withlacoochie is a beautiful trail. Songbirds, hawks and even eagles flit among or soar above cyprus and oak trees. Many of the trees are draped with Spanish moss.

Fenway Paahk

July, 1943 — A hot and humid day in Boston, gray and overcast. My 29 year old brother is home on leave. He is shipping out to Europe next week. I am 8 years old. “Get dressed, kid. Weʼre going to the ball game at Fenway.”

‘Go East Old Friend, Go East…’

The battle of Gettysburg. Only 150 years ago, humans still in chains, Lee took his army of Northern Virginia into the north, the Union, Pennsylvannia. I have to go. Maybe it’s Trayvon Martin and all…

A Person Here, A Person There

I keep forgetting and remembering and forgetting and remembering how things work in this universe for the likes of me, speaking of how best to go about sharing my writing and music with others. I…

The Organs Of Tobacco Road

The organ is a wind instrument whose bellows are its lungs. There is something ironic, therefore, in the fact that Duke University, a place that flourished thanks to tobacco money, is one the great organ centers in the world.

Homeless Homeboy

Author’s note: What is this anyway? A saga, a story a travelogue? It began as a report on the situation and quickly disintegrated into vignettes of personal experience. The idea being that maybe, just maybe…

Wayward Press Clips

A front-page article in the New York Times Oct. 27,  headlined “Few Problems With Cannabis for Cali­fornia” takes a common-sense, macro-level look at what 17 years of medical use hath wrought in the Golden State.…

Heeeeeeeeeeere’s Dino!

This is Dino from somewhere in Mendocino. I might be nuts but I'm no dummy. I'm sure you've seen the Daily Journal of October 10 where the Board of Supervisors gets up to date on…

Comes Now Epidiolex

In response to urgent need expressed by parents of children with intractable epilepsy, the US Food and Drug Administration is allowing Investigational New Drug (IND) studies of purified CBD (cannabidiol) as an anti-seizure medication. The…
