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Posts published in “Essays”

Seattle Hempfest To Add “Adult Use” Smoking Areas

Seattle’s first retail outlet for marijuana opened in July, some 20 months after Washington state voters passed Initiative 502. Legalization as defined by I-502 is now becoming real — but it doesn’t apply to people…

Riots & The Underclass

What’s a riot without looting? We want it, they’ve got it! You’d think from the press that looting was alien to British tradition, imported by immigrants more recent than the Normans. Not so.

August Fable

When I was in my early thirties, I lived on a monthly disability check from the state: $268. My rent for a small room in a boarding house in a scary neighborhood in downtown Sacramento…

Mendocino Talking: Stephen & Gloria Decater

The Decater family runs Live Power Community Farm in Covelo, a diversified, solar-powered CSA farm that for 27 years has supplied its 200 member families here in Mendocino County, and the Bay Area, with fresh, high-quality biodynamic/organic food. They plow and till the land with their six draft horses. Besides growing almost fifty varieties of vegetables, they raise sheep, cows, chickens, and pigs.

Calling The Dead

The other morning I answered the phone to the mellowed tones of a retiree named Bill who had somehow got hold of my number. “Hello, can I speak with Alexander Cockburn?” There was an alluring…

The Bandits of Broadband

Each Kindle or electronic e-book owner in France buys an average of 4.6 books a year. In Italy, a country with a reputation of not being very honest, 4.4 is the average number for the…

Hug A Farmer

I am a 21-year-old semi-adult and, being quite interested in me, I think often of my future. I have climbed to the top of youth and now have my fullest gaze at the adult world.…
