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Posts published in “Essays”

Awards For Yourself

(1984) Were there ever members of any profession so keen on giving each other prizes as journalists? From the rising of the sun in the morning until its going down at night they keep at…

If You Build It, They Will Come

Will opening a homeless shelter in downtown Fort Bragg help the homeless population or address the problems associated with homelessness in Fort Bragg? The idea reminds me of a quote from an old movie called…

The Stony Lonesome: A Westport Adventure

I would not recommend prison to anyone. It's pretty much a bad deal all around: degrading, dehumanizing, violent and cheerless. It's peopled in the main by mean, stupid sociopaths and staffed by insensate thugs. It's…

Philo to Vegas to Sedona

The days before we left for Las Vegas were a bit of a whirlwind. It seemed that several people decided that week was the week to do real estate related stuff - showings, new listings,…

The Wellness Center, Pros & Cons

The approval of a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for the purchase of the Old Coast Hotel as a centralized mental health services site as well as a location for five transitional housing units wasn't…


We think remakes and reboots and sequels and prequels indistinguishable from the previous reboots of remakes have taken over the movie industry along with movies so similar to hundreds of other movies they might as well be reboots or remakes. What’s going on here? We live in an era of cinematic redundancy on an epic scale, and the messages being repeated ad nauseam are so primitive and shallow and false, one wonders, “When was it the Not Very Bright Children took control of everything?”
