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Posts published in “Essays”

Thirty Years Ago In Willits

When I got back from Mexico at the end of February I was told by my landlord’s son, Bruce Burton, that he and Chris Baldo were taking over the property to mill their redwood and…


On June 10, 1881, a fifty-two year old count draped himself in the garb of a peasant and set off down a dust covered, rutted road. The count had been in something of a spiritual…

The Stony Lonesome: Primary Purpose

Ever since I first discovered meth in 1981 — no, that's not right. I believe I should correctly say that since Meth, out on its voyages of discovery and exploration in seeking to establish hegemony…

Late Spring

Nature brought us a treat two weeks ago, a young doe, resident to these woods we own a small part of, sauntered by the north-facing windows followed by two tiny fawns, their smallness amplifying their cuteness. Since then, the doe and her fawns have returned several times, the two babies larger each time, their movements ever more graceful and assured.

Poultry Apocalypse

Sometime in April my neighbor walked over to the back corner of our place while we were stretching the plastic over our wooden greenhouse frame. He had plenty of guinea eggs, he said, also informing…

Pot Bad, Wine Good

Let's begin with some Q&A. In the 1990s, runaway cultivation of a mind-altering cash crop led to a spate of illegal surface water diversions from the streams and springs that feed the Russian River, as…

There Is Always a Point of Decision

“This is the point of decision,” a dear friend often says, in our deepest conversations. And, isn’t it always points or places in time that cycle over and over in our spirals of regret? That…

What To Expect with Marijuana Legalization

There's no way to really tell how much Colorado's recent population surge has to do with legalized cannabis. But some locals see a connection. One of the lead articles in the May 31 Denver Post…

The Stony Lonesome: A Modest Proposal

There are scourges, and then there are scourges. Dutch elm disease, the Golden Horde, AIDS, potato blight, Spanish flu, Japanese beetles, Nazism, Maroon 5, war, and the conquistadors have all done exemplary work in erasing…
