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Posts published in “Essays”

A Dark Prospect

I was in the streets of Chicago in 1968 during the Democratic Convention. It was only a few months after Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King were shot to death. The “establishment,” as we called…

The Yellow Submarine

When I was earning my living fishing, I, just as you, got pretty good at predicting weather by looking at clouds, waves, the behavior of birds, and wind direction. But, what I really set my…

Kevin & Mumia

Yesterday, the basketball player Kevin Durant signed a two-year contract with the Golden State Warriors for 55 million dollars and I read Chris Hedges’ interview with Mumia Abu Jamal, who has now served thirty-five years of a life sentence for a murder he may or may not have committed.

Beerdigung Für Die Eidechse

If you take a good, hard listen to the conversation around you, both incoming and outgoing, you'll notice that very little, if any, of it is original. It's all been said before, and often quite…

MJ Saves Medicare Money

Researchers at the University of Georgia have published a study in the July issue of Health Affairs showing that Medicare's prescription drug benefit program saves money in states that have legalized marijuana for medical use. Authors…

Kevin Durant & The Discomfort With Player Power

Kevin Durant has made the decision to create a superteam by joining the 73-9 Golden State Warriors. Going to the best possible workplace to achieve the greatest success would be a no-brainer in any other…

Poison In The Streets

This week in America poison is fouling streets and public squares. It is jamming airwaves and bandwidth. It is running like blood across suburban lawns and down the steps of the Capitol building. And though…

Sinners, Saints and Addicts

Drive to Yreka and hang a left. That's the flippant answer about how one finds the Marble Mountains, but it's more or less all you need to know for general driving directions. This may be…
