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Posts published in “Essays”

Woodswork In The 1930s

My uncle Forrest was the youngest of Lillian Robertson and John Macdonald's six children. Forrest's childhood nickname was Huck, the characteristics associated with that moniker separated his personality from that of his more serious-minded siblings.…

Pipes & Gravity

You might find this a little difficult to believe, but every now and then I find myself in a condition of violent disagreement with some absurdly inappropriate, misinformed, cack-brained, puerile, or otherwise just plain wrong…

Wounded Elephant

Last night’s debate raises some interesting questions, such as: would the Romans have elected Caligula if given the chance to vote? Can the Republican party recover from Donald Trump? If the party poobahs “pull the…

Sweet Libby’s

There are days when things juxtapose so exquisitely, one can’t help feeling some sort of transcendent author is writing out the simultaneous arrival of related elements composing a harmonious whole greater than the sum of the parts.

Long Drive Home

I took this photo on my drive home from work last night. I was dog tired. So tired that even my teeth and toes ached. In the true spirit of corporate capitalism, whether at the…

Clearing Some Smoke

We write to provide some perspective on Proposition 64 from California's medical associations. The California Medical Association has endorsed Proposition 64, the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA). Our local medical association, the San Francisco…

Not The Worst Criminal

I don't know who first coined the phrase "crime does not pay." I'm guessing that some morality play from the early 20th century, coming on the heels of crime, conceptually and institutionally, gaining some traction…

Red-Haired Cop

The fat red-haired cop was talking to the attractive blond woman who was working at the Swissair information desk. He seemed oblivious to everything else going on in the terminal. I would have been too.…

If Wagner Scored The Debates

I have felt more refreshed sitting through five hours of Wagner’s Götterdämmerung than I did after the excruciatingly slow ninety minutes of Monday’s long-dreaded presidential debate. Hey, that’s it—Wagner to the rescue! The main problem…
