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Posts published in “Essays”

Who Poisoned My Grapes? (Part 2)

To review, I knew that my vineyard had been sprayed with an herbicide which originated from someone spraying the railroad property that borders me. I was surprised that while I was waiting for the biologists…

Solar Postage Socialist

I recently sent a little book, not much more than a glorified pamphlet, to Switzerland. The least expensive way to send the little thing was via the Post Office for twenty-three dollars. Not very many years ago, the postal service offered inexpensive international mail service, but that was eliminated because…

Sailing Out of Willits (Part 4)

Sailed into Bahia Leona yesterday afternoon and were met by water skiers, jet skiers, and motor boaters all in this very small bay going around and around in circles as if in a fishbowl.

Roving Chocolatiers

Recent news about the sand bar at the mouth of the Navarro River blocking the stream so thoroughly that Highway 128 remained flooded by the backed up waters sent me searching through the 1879 archives…

No Biz Like Showbiz

“Hey Weinstein”, says Zuckerman, his wannabe director Monte Nido neighbor one sparkling summer Sunday, “I’ve got a commercial to shoot out in the desert. It’s for a Mexican brandy client, La Rosa Fina. I need…

Boo Hoo

America didn’t get what it expected, but perhaps it got what it deserved, good and hard. Daddy’s in the house and he busted straight into the nursery and now the little ones are squalling in…

(Political) Climate

Faced with a crummy time in the McCarthyite and Cold War 1950s here’s what some of us did. The American mood was apocalyptic. LA was ringed with nuclear tipped Nike missiles. We more or less…
