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Posts published in “Essays”

Earth Sorrow

Today is a beautiful sunny winter day in Mendocino. The town is full of tourists and locals, college kids are home for the holidays, the pace of life has slowed since the coming and going of the annual frenzy known as Christmas, and if I didn’t know what I know about human-driven climate change, and if we hadn’t just returned from visiting Marcia’s mother in Santa Rosa, I would be tempted to say all is right with the world.

Coast Emergency

The emergency room is a place that by definition you don't want to go to. A week or so ago, I was stricken with food poisoning or something heinous and mysterious. I was taken (first…

Trimmer Trash Meets Greedy Grower

At the coffee shop she greeted me with a big smile, eyes flashing, while he was more subdued--we talked a minute in line and I went back to the booth. It was the morning of…

Here’s To You

I would like to propose a toast to the coming year, 2017. May this be a good year for you and your loved ones, and for your neighborhood, your community, and the world. May this be the year we start to turn things around as a species living on a planet of finite resources and a biosphere overtaxed by greenhouse gases.


The urge to return grew as my doom approached. Visions of fog shrouded trails, tidepools and craggy coves filled my restless sleeping. Like a salmon thrashing and plowing back up its origin stream to spawn…

My (Almost) First Wife

I thought long and hard about it, and I eventually concluded that yes, it was time to start those bells a-ringing again. No, not those bells, not the kind I told you about recently whose…

Report From Standing Rock

I have lived in Boonville since 2009, but I grew up in North Dakota. I recently returned from a month long stay there. My time was split between visits with family and work at the…


Reading the anti-semitism piece in the Dec. 20 daily Mendo County Today, I was reminded of the time I learned about the practice (belief?) of Jew-hating. I grew up in central Connecticut, a place where…

The Local Angle

Craig Anderson was a "patriotic deserter" from the US Navy in 1967. As recounted sympathetically by John Glionna in the New York Times December 22: He and three other Navy seamen [John Barilla, Richard Bailey…
