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Posts published in “Essays”

Deputy Massey Looks Back

AVA: How much prostitution have you encountered in your duties? Massey: I've only run across a few cases. I don't think it's that widespread. But there is some occurring in the hotels and motels around…

The Quarrel—Take One 

The quarrel began because I wanted to go jogging in the evening snow storm. Our Vine Street apartment was only two blocks from the outer loop of Warinanco Park. Warinanco offered two jogging routes: the…

Drug Ed 101: Just Say Know

For a time I provided 'drug education' in public and private schools. As an outsider consultant, this was often tacit recognition that nobody on staff could or wanted to do it, and that the students…

The $500 Burrito

I suppose everyone has experienced moments of self disgust and responsibilities for self accusations as in "How in the hell could you be so stupid?" I have experienced a few moments like this, but none…


When you’ve run completely out of ideas, and your stock-in-trade, or at least the thing that keeps the lights on, is ideas (often metaphorically represented as a light bulb flashing on), you have several options.…

The 26th Annual AV Variety Show

No matter who is in the White House, each year spring rolls around. Or at least it has so far. We don’t know what the Russians have in store for us next year. Those practical…

Cardinals Place Second, and Move On

The Mendocino High girls varsity basketball squad continued their extraordinary season last week  in mixed fashion last week, convincingly beating Emery in the opening game of NCS playoffs before losing the League title match against…

Life In Nicaragua

My husband Walter and I have been living in Dario, Nicaragua since 2004, when I retired from teaching Spanish, and my mother passed away. Walter grew up on a ranch in western Nicaragua, so he…
