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Posts published in “Essays”

India Flexes Its Muscle: Part II

Jaipur, India — I have watched a whole family of monkeys perched on ancient stonewalls, and I have followed elephants as they’ve galumphed down the avenues of monstrous cities—undaunted by polluting buses, trucks and scooters.…

Monsanto Grangers

I drove up Highway One Monday afternoon to the old Fort Bragg Grange building in Inglenook to meet the local resistance. The Grangers, officially The National Grange of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry, were…

Prozac & Medical Marijuana

Everybody who knows the history of the medical marijuana movement knows that Dennis Peron started the San Francisco Cannabis Buyers Club in response to the AIDS epidemic, circa 1990. Less well known is that the Prozac epidemic…

Jim Murphy’s Mountain (Exit Inter) View

Jeff Hillier sat in Cove Coffee at Arena Cove Pier when in walked Jim Murphy of Mountain View Ranch. A fixture at the coffee shop since 1989, Murphy’s an old logger. Jim offered to buy…

When Loggers Meet…

Last month the 79th annual Redwood Region Logging Conference (RRLC) in Eureka was attended by thousands of folks of all ages celebrating everything related to logging on the North Coast. The show had everything you’d…

The Doctors of the Old Mendo Coast

Those dissatisfied with their local hospital or physician might want to consider the case of Dr. Thomas Goodsir, who in 1878 served the community of Cuffey's Cove, just north of Greenwood (Elk). William Heeser described…

Puttin’ On The Dog

If you're the type of person who, for fun, profit, or because of some undiagnosed mental aberration, regularly begins sentences with the words, "Did you ever wonder…?", e.g., a stand-up (is this designation really necessary?…

Artist Of Empire

What would Art be without a theory and practice of plunder? It's no accident that the greatest artistic achievements of the Athenians coincided with their imperial project. Or consider the Romans, whose legions hauled back…
