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Posts published in “Essays”

You Get What You Pay For

I was on the yard yesterday morning, alternately running and walking laps — it's just too blasted hot for uninterrupted running, even at eight a.m. — and saw a chap of my acquaintance presenting a…

I Hope I Don’t Go To Jail

It was such a lovely summer. The novel I’m working on was already at 200 pages and more. I decided to take a break. We went to France—Finisterre and Brittany on the Atlantic coast. We…

Here’s To Bud Light Bob

Bud Light Bob has died. A regular at the Forrest Club whose tenure predates my own. I was informed of his passing this afternoon, as myself and Salvadore were his only surviving drinking buddies, and…

The Fort Bragg Mill Site

When the fog rolled in at dusk the Safeway parking lot lights turned the gray to a dusky orange and the asphalt was yellow. Highway 1 murmured in the background. On the far side of…

At The Not So Simple Fair

Saturday morning the baby awoke at about five o'clock, like usual. For a couple hours she fussed and had her diaper changed, nursed again, and went back to sleep. She and her mom, Jetta, slumbered…

Clancy Sigal (1926-2017): Big Ballsy Anti-Fascist

I did not know Clancy Sigal well, but I read almost all of his books, including Going Away, Weekend in Dinlock, Zone of the Interior, Hemingway Lives!, plus A Woman of Uncertain Character—which is about his mother—and Zone of the Interior, a…

Guns & Doors

Every time I knock politely on a door, the traditional and accepted manner of requesting ingress, consultation, or succor from whomever is behind it, and am greeted with a firearm — and it's happened enough…

The Organs Of Salamanca

Histories of the organ draw a stark distinction between the instrument’s origins in antiquity, where it was deployed in the arena to accompany gladiatorial combat, and its later life in Christian Western Europe as a…

“Enforce Your Pot Ordinance”

Two weeks ago, the Board of Supervisors held its second meeting eliciting public comment and discussing proposed changes to the county’s newly created cannabis ordinance. At the outset, the Board was addressed by the representatives…
