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Posts published in “Essays”

A Mendo Housing Czar

With all the time and attention County officials are giving to marijuana one might think that marijuana is the County’s biggest problem. But as Sheriff Allman likes to say, "This is not the County of…

What’s New At The Museum?

As we come round the final turn of winter and into the home stretch toward spring, the Board of the Anderson Valley Historical Society, best known as the caretakers and proponents of the AV History…

Pinoleville – End Of An Era

The late Jim Winner, was the man who made a fortune as the inventor of The Club (auto-theft prevention device.) He settled a claim from another alleged inventor for a reported $10.5 million but that just goes to show how much money was in that thing. He passed away in 2010 when his SUV crossed the center line and collided head-on with a vehicle containing two other very old men.

Talking with Candidate Pinches

John Pinches walked into our office Thursday morning. He was carrying the County Budget, or should I say “lugging,” the three pound document. He's bookmarked and annotated it, occasionally opening to a page to make…

Rotten Eggs & Rumpke Mountains

A mostly full moon reflects off the floodwaters to the west of my bedroom window. It is quiet at the farmhouse, 2:36 a.m. The tom cat from our hay loft must have snuck in the…

Tying The Knot (Half-Hitched)

If you were to construct a graph illustrating my wedding attendance over the course of my life, and I can't think of any reason why I would except to illuminate this narrative, you would see…

Homeless In Paradise

It’s that time of year again. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is busy tabulating the nation’s official homeless count following January’s nationwide one-day point-in-time count, a task it has undertaken since 1987.…

Tax Party!

A black, stretch limo speeds west on Low Gap Road, careens into the Mendocino County government complex, and comes to an abrupt stop. Several laughing figures rush from the building with bottles of Dom Perignon. They pile into the limo. The door remains open with the engine idling.

The 27th Annual AV Variety Show

My Friday had been long and stressful. Some extremely irritating news had arrived early on. Then there was a stubborn, hours-long, two-front confrontation with software and internet to retrieve a relatively small amount of data…
