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Posts published in “Essays”

City Planning Workshop Goes In A Circle

Friday Morning bright and early at 8:30 am there were 13 people in attendance at the Annual City Planning Workshop at Town Hall. Nine of…

I Put My Gathering Boots On

I like it quiet in the cabin, I listen for a rogue wave that might get over the sandbar, I would hear it come under…

Adventures In Albion

On the list of non-pejorative words or phrases that could be useful in describing me, the ones besides things like irresponsible, felonious, untrustworthy, boneheaded, criminally…


My memory isn’t as sharp as I wish.

I remember the changes in New York City in the 1980s, but don’t remember when or how they started. It seemed like overnight the city became flooded with homeless people.

Hotel Worthy

Within a month of my 18th birthday, the draft notice arrived in the mail. It was 1964 and I knew nothing of Vietnam, but had…

Where’s Phil?

Saturday morning I awoke later than usual, with a headache after a night at the Buckhorn. Some wedding party had arrived from the Boonville Hotel…

Chairman John

I’m beginning to know John. Not completely, of course, for who can entirely know another when we seldom wholly know ourselves? Nevertheless, when it comes…

Free Speech

Last week I grabbed my cell phone, pen, and a notebook and trudged up University Avenue to the Berkeley campus’s west entrance. I was there…

Search for Hollow Earth

“I declare the earth is hollow, and habitable within; containing a number of solid concentrick spheres, one within the other, and that it is open…
