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Posts published in “Essays”

To Philly & New York

I had a wonderful trip to Philly and New York. It started out a little rough as I missed my flight out of SF at…

The Real Men of Fort Bragg

As everyone knows, the villain in any prison story is the warden. Of course, prison being what it is, a kind of central receiving for…

Measure B Wins Big

Most voters may have stayed at home but nevertheless Measure B, a one-half cent tax to improve abysmal mental health services in this county, won…

Redwood Valley Man Dug A Hole To Survive

When getting ready for bed around 11:30pm Sunday night, October 8, 2017, my 87-year-old dad heard loud noises from outside, 60-65 mph winds. He looked out his bedroom window. He saw dots on the hill behind his house and thought there was a fire.

Flashbacks: A Memoir By Jim Gibbons

My old friend Gibbons sent me a copy to review for – what else? – the AVA. Jim and I are AVA old-timers, and my…

El Diablo In Wine Country

Jerry Brown’s California enters this new age with a halo over its head. We “get” climate change and thumb our noses at the mad denialist…

Strangers On A Train

We first spotted him when we came up the stairs to the second deck. He was hard to miss. We were still in the station…

Then & Now

A couple of months ago at a family dinner party, a high school sophomore from my son-in-law’s side of the family walked into the room,…

Deregulation, PG&E, and the Fires

PG&E is now under investigation by state authorities trying to determine whether the electrical monopoly’s power lines played a role in igniting Northcoast wildfires that…

Fort Bragg Ad Hoc Committee Goes Dark

I showed up Friday afternoon at the Hostility Center (Old Coast Hotel) down on Franklin Street looking for a story. I wanted to ask what…
