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Posts published in “Essays”

Quid Pro Quo on the Homefront

I was recently made aware of an argument that had taken place between a Mother and her teenage son, six weeks ago or so, at their family home. The heated exchange was regarding the young…

AV Land Trust Sues Peachland Family (Part 3.5)

Anderson Valley Land Trust board members Dave Hopmann and (AVLT president) Patrick Miller testified in court (when they sued me last winter) that any time there was a violation of an easement that they had…

LIV Free or Die

The NFL has made it to the ripe old age of 100. The same can be said for only a tiny clutch of its former players. Notwithstanding the league’s PR efforts, it’s a century of…

My Outsider and Insider Experience

When I arrived by bus, with just one suitcase, in Sonoma County at the end of 1975, I felt like an outsider, though my parents had settled there in 1970 and were homesteading near the…

Chasing Trains in Arid-Zona

Sometimes in the depth of winter in Mendocino County escaping to a land of sunshine for a break seems like a REALLY good idea. If that destination features tourist railroads my “ferroequonoligist” (lover of iron…

Candidate Responses

5th District Supervisor Williams posed the following seven questions to the candidates running for 1st and 2nd district supervisor. We will post their answers below as they appear. SUPERVISOR WILLIAMS WRITES: Candidates, the 60 second…
