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Posts published in “Essays”

Jazz With Spirit

Jazz is thought of as a secular music, yet at its best the church echoes through it. The give-and-take of jazz is said to have…

The Boonville Water-Sewer Project: An Exchange

Dear Members of the AVCSD Board and Members of the Citizen Committee:

Thank you for sending notice regarding the preparation of a draft impact report for the drinking water system/wastewater collection and treatment disposal project for Boonville. I wish to respond as a property owner in Boonville who will be greatly affected under this plan. I am writing to inform board members, citizen committee members, and Boonville neighbors, regarding my concerns for the proposed water and wastewater project.

The Two-Headed Right

I was going to say "extreme" right but that would have implied nazi salutes and torch marches. This is the mainstream right, which isn't that…

Of Fire & Creatures of the Deep

Nature's ways can be a predictable or a mysterious thing. Of course, when humans toy with nature, you never know what the result might be.…

Mendocino Talking: Jini Reynolds

Jini started college when she was 12 years old, has flown rescue helicopters, is on the Executive Committee of the Redwood Valley Grange, has counseled…

American Tribalism & The Democratic Party

There are lines that have been drawn that reveal fascist tendencies on both sides of our governmental duopoly.  Loyal Democrats in our county believe that…

Letter To San Francisco

Dearest bitch by the bay, when a best friend John suggested we meet in your bosom to spend a few leisurely days, I thought of…

There’s Always Good News

It’s been one year since my book came out. I had joined a Hawaii writers’ group at the end of 2016 to get some inspiration…

Mendoland’s Oldest Mystery

Fifty years ago, there were ongoing clashes between rebellious longhaired youth and law enforcement. In Mendocino County, it would play out in peculiar fashion, resulting…
