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Posts published in “Essays”

My First Bay-to-Breakers, 1981

The worst part for me about running the 70th annual Bay-to-Breakers was not the 27,300 official registered runners, or even the 10,000 or so unregistered runners entering from the sidelines throughout the 7.6-mile course. No,…

Stimulation Tour

My $1200 stimulus check was burning a hole in my bank account. It was initially meant for a flight from Sacramento to Atlanta to lay eyes on the Mount Rushmore of the Confederacy at Stone…


I realized the other day that I have a racist friend. “Dude, you're a racist,” I said. “Why don't you just admit that you like Trump?” “Everyone likes Trump!” he said. “No,” I said, “most…

Found Money

Five SOBs, members of the Fort Bragg Seniors on Bikes, were cycling up Sherwood Road this past Sunday, September 6, around 10 a.m., heading for the mud pots at Glen Blair. Susan, in the lead,…

The Centrality Of Story

As an undergraduate at Stanford University I had the chance to study from a breakthrough professor named Sylvia Wynter. Her central thesis is that human consciousness is not biologically programmed but rather programmed by narrative,…


I’ve been lucky. In every place where I have lived, the water was just fine. My first experience with water had to have been in El Cerrito, where my parents lived when I was born.…

The Russian River Run (June 1990)

The night before the Russian River Run, Sally Miklose calls me from her motel room in Ukiah because her 16-year-old son Jesse wants to find out how fast I’m planning to run the next day’s…

Outsource This

I was a temp worker, doing brainless clerical work in an office. In the back of the same building, the company had their factory, churning out medical equipment. It wasn’t a high-tech product, because nobody…

Kayo v. DiFi

Trying to breathe life into the extinct mammoth Republicanus Liberalis, former Congressman Tom Campbell recently launched a start-up called the Common Sense Party. Campbell served five terms in the 1990s representing Silicon Valley. When he…
