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Posts published in “Essays”

Mute Button Blues

Thursday night’s presidential debate was branded by many a pundit a historic first. The rogue Interrupter-in-Chief would be held in check by the latest technological breakthrough from the Pentagon, one developed after years of research…

Counts Counts: Voting in Navarro, 1972

One day last summer I was showing a recent Valley settler neighbor the historic sights of Navarro town and reminiscing about "the good old days." Part of the tour, of course was up Wendling Soda…

‘Just’ A Dog, Forever

There’s an old actors’ trick that advises if you can’t bring on fake tears, just think of when your favorite dog died. It can work for even the toughest macho men.  And I’ve even seen…

The Jailing of Father O’Shea

Defrocked Monsignor Patrick O’Shea had been the pastor for many years at the Holy Name of Jesus Church in the Sunset and St. Cecelia’s in the Parkside District. The scourge of the altar boys, he…

Promises, Promises

Remember this door hangar which was distributed all over Mendocino County back in 2017? It was in part based on the text of Measure B, Section 5.180.040 Paragraph C: “Conduct an independent annual audit and…

Joe Munson & Daughter On The Cops

The “No on P” signs, which have blanketed Sonoma County in October, hit Joe Munson where it hurt: in his moral compass. Arrested about 50 times you’d expect Oaky Joe to be in favor of…

The New Yorker Comes A’Callin’

No news is good news on the Homer front. There’s been no contact, nothing since the rucksack came. But Homer was right about his wife’s financial charms – a feathered nest ain’t in it! She’s…

Sinclair Lewis

Sinclair Lewis is credited with the admonition that, “when fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross”. Could there be a more perfect embodiment of this prescient warning…
