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Posts published in “Essays”

Albion River Water

Until the recent mild rains of November the Albion River had been dry for months. Of course, in the few miles of tidewater one could see the usual waterway. However, starting slightly east of Duck…

A Brief History of Highway 128

In the early days quite some time before Henry Ford or the Wright Brothers perfected their inventions, transportation throughout this part of the country was a great task. There were many things that needed to…

When Murphy Meets the Covid Vaccine

What could possibly go wrong with the massive covid vaccination rollout, and buncha What Ifs? Let’s be optimistic and assume that the vaccinations — how many are there now, five? — are effective and relatively…

Our Local Hospital is Prepared

Miller Report for the Week of November 30th, 2020 By William Miller, MD – Chief of Staff at Adventist Health – Mendocino Coast Hospital Since the beginning of this pandemic, we expected that the summer…

History Doesn’t Repeat Itself, It Rhymes

I grew up in Cleveland during the 1950s and ‘60s, a time when the city was a powerhouse and a mighty industrial colossus. Everyone worked and everyone had money and things were pretty darn good.…

Trump: King Of Denial & Savvy Saboteur

Are we having fun folks? Are we there yet? On a recent edition of the NewsHour, columnist David Brooks suggested that Donald Trump was going through the five stages of grief that include denial, anger,…

Whose Light Is It, Anyway?

It’s difficult to imagine any juxtaposition between the Rod Serling’s ‘60s epic television series, The Twilight Zone, and Don DeLillo’s new novel The Silence, but I have so found. The wellspring of this discovery is The…

Erasing Kayo’s Legacy

The New Yorker posted a piece Nov. 20 that reduced Terence Hallinan to a non-person. It had an odd title, "Kamala Harris and the Noble Path of the Prosecutor."  The author was a Harvard Law School…

David Norfleet

David Norfleet has died. In his memory we are posting the interview Steve Sparks did with the co-founder of the Boonville Brewery back in June 2009. We expect an obituary from the family next week.…
