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Posts published in “Essays”

Balls to Masks

He had oil in his beard and defiance in his eye. Both gleamed in the October sunshine streaming through the windows at the back of the immigration hall at Heathrow Airport Terminal 2. The meticulously…

Two Days in Frisco

I moved to San Francisco from Santa Rosa in Sonoma County on May 15, and for the first two weeks I sat in my one-bedroom apartment and listened to the screeching sounds from the N-Judah…

Visiting with Ray

This morning was all about my old sports buddy Ray. First I was dragging my tax info out of a shelf and found the donation envelope for “Nick's Interns” that I hadn't sent in yet.…

Book Review: Losing It

Morningside Heights by Joshua Henkin Pantheon Books, 2021; 292 pp. $26.95 Of all the dreaded afflictions that affect the human mind, the one that has come to be known as “Alzheimer’s Disease”* is surely among…

The College Kid Runs the Ukiah Auction

So to wrap up the Ukiah Sale sheep auction management saga, here’s a description of what a grueling summer day out in the dusty sheep pens and corridors felt like to a forty year old…

Mendocino County’s Last Real Supervisor

Joe Scaramella explained the moment in his life when he got the inspiration to get into politics: “I've been on the receiving end of injustice many times. But the most significant thing that affected my…

Forrest and the Hermit

Forrest was born along the Albion in spring time, when the river and its gulch tributaries were still swollen enough for fishing. He arrived in 1909, the last of his mother and father's six children.…

But I Can’t Remember What I Had For Lunch

I bought my first house in 1983, a 2BR 1BA baby on North Oak Street that cost $46,000, roughly $30,000 more than I could afford considering interest rates. Ripped out the green shag living room…

Ten Commandments for ‘Pro-Lifers’

Thou shalt not seek to insert anti-abortion words into the Bible or any other scriptures where it is never once mentioned, nor seek to breach America’s hallowed separation of church and state, recalling that the…
