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Posts published in “News”

Spy Rock Memories, Part 3

All right, maybe I exaggerated a little bit. There were a few weeks of spring before summer hit with full superheated force. As I was to learn (and re-learn, year after year), freezing weather can…

From the Blogs: Will Kenny Rogers Get A New Trial?

The latest attorney for disgraced Mendo Republican Kenny Rogers, who was convicted last summer of hiring a hitman to kill a political adversary, is claiming that Rogers' last attorney so thoroughly botched his defense that the case deserves another try.

Off the Record

This week: The Fifth District's conservative candidate, Mr. B on Feinstein & Blum, Glenn Sunkett's Thompson problem and much more...

Our Fathers

It's still hard for some locals to accept that 150 years ago — five generations, a historical blip — Hum­boldt County was controlled by genocidaires. Our illus­trious forefathers, the settlers of this county, were, in…

Annual Report: Headwaters Fund Has More

Millions of dollars of Humboldt County’s Headwa­ters Fund have been spent on community projects but because of loan repayments and interest, the fund’s total amount has grown. Outgoing Headwaters Fund Board Chairman Pat­rick Cleary told…

From the Blogs: Water Quality Down the Drain?

While Mendocino County is known nationally for its embrace of sustainable agricultural practices, D.C. is taking a huge step back from three decades of aggressively pursuing water quality protections.
