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Posts published in “News”

County Notes: Follow The Bouncing Budget Ball

We didn’t really expect the Supervisors to address the many inconsistencies and incongruencies in Tuesday’s budget presentation that we previously outlined, that would be unheard…

Mendocino (Eat Your Heart Out, Visit Mendocino)

Mendocino and a dose of scenic/sensational Highway I were not on my agenda. Boonville was, and maybe a stay at their hotel or straight/curving out…

Under UCLA’s Jumbotron

On April 25, a large group of students at the University of California, Los Angeles, set up an encampment on the main quadrangle of their…

‘The Children’ (A post-production commentary)

Author — Lucy Kirkwood, Director — Ann Woodhead Produced by Mendocino Theater Company Cast —  HAZEL - Pamela W. Allen;  ROSE - Torri Truss;  ROBIN…

Conducting The Public’s Business In Public

Someone who evidently doesn’t appreciate and understand how important it is to conduct the public’s business in front of the public, is Supervisor Maureen Mulheren,…

Repaving What Mendo Wrecked

There’s been some local fanfare about the County’s plans to repave the deteriorating Mountain View Road as if it’s some kind of significant accomplishment. It…
