LEONARD CIRINO has died. Leonard, the well-known Albion poet, had suffered from cancer, and passed away two weeks ago in Springfield, Oregon where he'd lived for the past ten years. THE FATAL 2010 shooting of…
Posts published in “News”
SATURDAY'S memorial services for Vern Piver saw a standing room crowd fill the Fort Bragg High School gym as family and friends remembered him. A vivid and much loved figure, the turnout was among the…
We recently ran a letter by Willits citizens Donna Kerr and Bob Whitney, representing “Mendocino County Citizens For Responsible Transportation,” describing how misallocated transportation funds are being used for the Willits Bypass for “political” reasons…
Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. I am going to be on ‘special assignment’ for the next few weeks so this column will either be very brief or…
At the February 28 meeting of the Supervisors, Dan Hamburg asked that a seemingly innocuous item on the consent calendar be brought up for full discussion and a separate vote. Hamburg seemed alarmed that the…
How many lawyers does it take to beat a DUI? At least three if you're the drunk lawyer. Mill Valley attorney Robert Praszker was charged with two DUIs, so you got him and the senior…
In the first installment of this two-part series, the participants discussed the factors in their individual lives that influenced them to dedicate themselves to their present work, the barriers to a local food economy that…