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Posts published in “News”

Chasing A Sea Snail?

They’re clammy. They’re rubbery. They’re often deep-fried in vegetable oil. And though the red abalone of California was once a staple of dirt-cheap seafood shacks, this big slippery sea snail is today one of the…

River Views

The January 26th edition of The Mendocino Beacon ran a story headlined “Fort Bragg ax attacker convicted.” What readers may have missed is that the story was not written by a Beacon reporter or by…

Off The Record

RARELY do we celebrate County appointments, but we're pleased to see Karen Wandrei appointed to the second-in-command position at the Welfare (aka Health & Human Services) Department. We very much admired Ms. Wandrei for her…

Mendocino County Today: April 18, 2012

THIS JUST IN: Third District Supervisor John Pinches reportedly suffered a significant heart attack last weekend and was recovering in Howard Memorial Hospital in Willits as of Tuesday afternoon. More to come. A READER CLARIFIES:…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Well, good readers, it’s good to be back from the “real world”! Following my mysterious disappearance (that I could not possibly comment…

Farm To Farm

I was barefoot, shirtless, soaking in the sun while my eyes tried to focus on the spindly carrot sprouts protruding from warm sand, deliberating to discern the carrots from crabgrass that should not really have…

Speed Bumps Before A Brick Wall

New state regulations require that most diesel trucks and buses in California be upgraded to reduce particulate and nitrogen-oxide emissions. Heavier trucks must be retrofitted with particulate filters beginning January 1, 2012, and some older…
