IF CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE HUFFMAN has any friends in Mendocino County, that person might want to let him know that his list of endorsers including Supervisor Smith and Superintendent of Schools Tichinin will cause voters to…
Posts published in “News”
AN ITEM on this week’s Supervisor agenda, as the leadership convenes in Mendocino, is “The Mendocino Town Plan,” part of the “Coastal Element” of the County’s General Plan. Adopted in 1992 “to preserve the historical…
I run for the joy of it by myself in the nights when only the owls and skunks keep me company. Because I was asked to create this year's t-shirt I felt that it was…
Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Here’s this month’s birthday boys and girls from among the Senior Center regulars: Joan Spears, Judy Basehore, Jim Lindsey — ‘Many Happy…
Frank was born in the town of O’Neill in northern Nebraska on February 21st, 1936 to parents Frank Wyant Sr. and Mabel Ross, who five years later had another son, Alan, and then eleven years…
To paraphrase Upton Sinclair's 1923 book The Goose Step: A Study of American Education, some of the greatest sociopaths in this country’s history have affixed their names to university buildings in an effort to burnish…
Supervisor Hamburg was all ears, energized at the end of a long meeting day on Tuesday, April 24th. This consent calendar item roused Hamburg: "The Board has consistently taken policy positions on issues addressing illegal…