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Posts published in “News”

AV Tennis Courts Open Today

Without any fanfare, pomp and circumstance or official grand opening event, the Anderson Valley High School Tennis Court Restoration Project has been completed and the pristine high tech “Bowman Blue” acrylic courts are ready for…

Mendocino County Today: August 28, 2012

THE NORTH PASS FIRE burning northeast of Covelo has, as of Monday noon, consumed 31,650 acres. Cal Fire says the blaze is “32% contained.” The fire began early the morning of Saturday, August 18th. It…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. No doubt the roadwork on Highway 128 between Boonville and Con Creek has been a topic of conversation for many of you…

Lives &Times Of Valley Folks: Peggy Ridley

I met with Peggy at her home just off Anderson Valley Way and we sat outside in the shade at the edge of the five acres of vines that are officially known as Ridley Vineyards.…

Susan Keegan Was Murdered

The cause of death on Susan Keegan's death certificate has been changed from “accidental” to “homicide,” meaning that Mendocino County District Attorney David Eyster has new evidence that the popular Ukiah woman did not die…

Sergeant White Loses Round One

We were skeptical that Mendocino County’s freshly appointed Retirement Administrator Richard White needed a highly paid assistant given Mendo’s sorry fiscal state the day it was put on the Supes’ agenda for last Tuesday. White,…

A Flick Of The Bic And…

Back in late June, gasoline prices were soaring near $5 per gallon when a big fuel tanker was topping off the underground tanks at the Redwood gas station in the middle of Covelo. A young…
