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Posts published in “News”

Mailbox, Ballot Box

The deluge seems to be over. At this writing, there are still ten days until November 8. So, finally, it’s safe to throw into recycling…

County Notes: Get Cubbison II?

Last Tuesday, the Supervisors briefly discussed two seemingly minor consent agenda items that should be captured for posterity because they are filled with potential problems…

Off the Record (Nov. 2, 2022)

A READER WRITES: “Despite searching for news everywhere on Coast recycling, no real info on Waste Management closing Pudding Creek, no place except Road 409…

Pot Program Still A Mess, Only Bigger

What a difference a year makes. Last year, reacting to a bone-headed attempt by the County (with the exception of Supervisor John Haschak) to expand…

An Open Letter to Dale Gieringer

(For many years I thought that people who took politics seriously could understand the difference between principled criticism and personal animosity. How wrong I was.…

A Skate Park In Boonville?

Some of you probably read the article in last week’s paper written by Noor Dawood “Help Bring a Skate Park to Anderson Valley.” I met…

State AG to Review Waidelich Case

The state Attorney General’s Office confirmed Thursday that it is assessing whether Mendocino County District Attorney David Eyster is free of potential conflicts in deciding…

County Notes & Other Stuff

From an unbylined water agency meeting summary in last week’s Fort Bragg Advocate: “County officials ended the update by noting that all of the water…
