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Posts published in “News”

When The Cops Steal Your Car

Last May, while Linda Pitman was helping her son and daughter move across town, the Ukiah Police Department stole her truck, estimated value: $3,000. Ms. Pitman's adult son Joe was driving. The front license plate…


The first storm of Winter has passed. Already the forests of Mendocino are greening up after the dry heat of the late Summer. The rich smell of the woodland floor's humus is everywhere now. The…

Mendocino County Today: October 30/31, 2012

ONE OF THE MOST AMUSING moments in Thursday night’s second game of the World Series came when Giants outfielder Gregor Blanco’s bunt down the third base line refused to roll foul as a crowd of…

Hino Had A Plan!

Last Tuesday as Mendocino Coast District Hospital's 320 unionized employees overwhelmingly rejected concessions sought by management, the Hospital's Board of Directors was meeting in closed session to fire CEO Ray Hino. The next day Mendocino…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Talking of ‘sitting comfortably,’ no doubt the person at PG&E who made the call to shut off the power in Boonville at…

Lives & Times Of Valley Folks: Jerry Karp

I met with Jerry at the home he and wife Stephanie bought a few years ago on Ornbaun Road on the outskirts of Boonville. Jerry was born on July 4th, 1955 in Newark, New Jersey…

Not A Mad Tea Party

Driving up Lambert Lane in Boonville Saturday afternoon I wondered whether we’d encounter any “angry old white people” dressed in colonial costume and waving hand lettered misspelled signs. We were arriving for what was advertized…

Looking Back, Part 2

We reached the top of the cliff, and the blue Pacific spread like infinity before us. “The ocean, the ocean!” the children cried, springing from their seats in delight. There was no place for a…

Betcha Didn’t Know

That our very own Jim Young of the Anderson Valley Health Center is, as most of you know, basketball coach at Mendocino High School. What most of you probably don't know, but could easily assume…
