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Posts published in “News”

To Tom Hine

Last Wednesday, the 13th, I plunked down $16.95 at the Mendocino Book Co. on School Street in Ukiah for your book, Teach Your Dog to Shoplift, along with another $7.40 for two over-priced Valentine’s Day…

Realigning HumCo

Midway into its second year, the county’s prison/jail realignment program has increased rehabilitation assistance but law enforcement officials have said it’s also led to increases in crime. So far the evidence is anecdotal. City and…

Cupid’s Mark

On Sunday, the tenth, I attended the Roundtable at the Grange Hall, sponsored by the Anderson Valley Historical Society (part of their Annual Meeting), with a friend and neighbor who was kind enough to drive…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. And what better place to get things rolling along than to wish the following Valley folks ‘Many Happy Returns!’ in the month…

The Warbler, Clayton Duncan & Kendall Jackson

This is a round-up of the latest developments regarding three major stories I've been writing about for the Anderson Valley Advertiser in the last few years. First is the latest regarding the dramatic story of…

How Not To Get A Search Warrant

Not everyone in Mendocino and Humboldt counties will be broken-hearted to learn that a federal agent has spoiled a promising career by making a false statement under oath to a judge. Will we be saying…

River Views

In late summer, if you walk west along Madsen Lane in Fort Bragg and follow the dirt road to Madsen’s Hole you can splash across the Noyo River without getting your feet wet. From there…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Like many other folks around here, and in places not that far beyond, today is a Monday for recovering following two of…

Gabbing About Gewürtz

The aromatic Alsatians are getting their moment in Anderson Valley’s distant winter sun this weekend at the International Alsace Varietals festival. On Saturday and Sunday there is an acidic array of off‐dry educational sessions, tastings,…
