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Posts published in “News”

A Good Victim Is Hard To Find

You take your victims where you find them. “Our victims are not always what we’d like,” Deputy DA Shannon Cox informed Judge Ann Moorman last week at the end of a particularly ugly preliminary hearing.…

The Stornetta Public Lands Need Some Serious Protecting

Point Arena coastal locals, who at first welcomed the Bureau of Land Management’s takeover of the Stornetta Public Lands, are becoming increasingly alarmed as they witness the destruction caused by clueless humans flocking to Point…

The Beauty Of Nature

Soon after we arrived in Anderson Valley in 1957, my father nailed a couple of elk horns onto the trunk of an oak tree in front of our house. As elk weren’t part of the…

Bypass Blockades Continue

In the past three weeks, construction crews employed by CalTrans on five occasions have rolled out big machines with the intention of installing construction fencing, cutting trees, and clearing brush along the route of Big…

Crime & Punishment

The week started out with two jury trials on Monday, but by early Tuesday both cases were out the window. The first one was a DUI wherein the defendant, Joshua Pollard, had reached across from the passenger seat and grabbed the wheel while his girlfriend was driving, causing a crash into another vehicle.

The Need To Proceed For Speed

Ms. Dillon is a briskly smart, attractive young woman with an important job. She not only has to secure venues ranging from where to park the equipment trucks to film sites, she's got to cool…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. It’s the first day of Spring! Anyone feel like prancing through a meadow like a young gazelle? Oddly enough, I don’t. In…

Watching The CFS

I’m hooked on a new drama, called the CFS. It’s not a crime show, exactly, though there’s potential tragedy enough. It’s more of a reality show about Anderson Valley, starring the Navarro River watershed. Everyone…

Union Busting With Bankruptcy

On Thursday, March 7, Coast Hospital CEO Wayne Allen issued the following press release. “Mendocino Coast Hospital Files Bankruptcy Motion To Reject Current Union Contract; To Seek Negotiations On A New Agreement Fort Bragg, California…
