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Posts published in “News”

On The Set Of Need For Speed

I recently had the unique experience of working with the crazy circus that came through town to film Need for Speed. The movie is described as “a fast-paced, high-octane film rooted in the tradition of…

Meanwhile, In Point Arena…

Nobody much talked about the Press Democrat headlines last week regarding Congressperson Lynn Woolsey’s chairing a panel about “extraterrestrials” on earth, although a few right-wingers did snicker, "We told you she was nuts." The Press…

Motion To Dismiss

The jury and all charges were dismissed last week in the vehicular manslaughter case brought by The People against Ms. Helen A. Leslie. Ms. Leslie is the very picture of a retired schoolteacher, a little…


The Board of Supervisors expressed plenty of skepticism during their March 12 discussion of the Exclusive Operating Area (EOA) proposal for County ambulance service. As “outreach” sessions commence around the County, all five Supervisors expressed…

Realignment Is Working

Public safety realignment — the state’s new approach to dealing with felony criminals — is being met with skepticism but its potential for reducing recidivism has been emphasized by Humboldt County’s chief probation officer. Realignment…

Inside The Willits Bypass Protests

On April 2nd, the California Highway Patrol rolled into Willits with enough force to overrun roughly a third of United Nations member states. Roughly 25 CHP squad cars deployed underneath The Warbler's pine tree south…

Obamacare Lands On Mendo

The federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka PPACA/Obamacare) will go into effect in January of 2014. It's a hopelessly confusing mess of non-reform foisted off on America by the health insurance combines, and…

The Illustrated Man

When Governor Jerry Brown took office the feds told him to reduce California's prison population or face sanctions, so the Governor came up with the "re-alignment" program re-aligning state prison inmates to county jails.

Kemgas? Thanks, But No Thanks

November 28, 2012, morning: I'm sitting at my desk working. Along about 11:30, I hear the front gate click, and onto the property walks a man. Instant assessment: not a Jehovah's Witness, not a Mormon,…
