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Posts published in “News”

Thank You, Richie!

Richie Henderson, an iconic Ukiah native son, is having his 15 minutes of fame. Richie’s sweet face is emblazoned on a big billboard along the…

Off the Record (March 8, 2023)

AVA PEOPLE were kicking this big subject around today: Why are there no protest songs like the 60s & 70s? Lazarus of Willits popped up…

Long Budget Reporting Delays? Supes Yawn.

Item 4h on next Tuesday’s Supervisors agenda has the seemingly routine and innocuous title: “Discussion and Possible Action Including Review of Board of Supervisor's Directives…

Off the Record (March 1, 2023)

DICK WHETSTONE CLARIFIES THE COASTAL HISTORY: Braxton Bragg was never in California. It was named by Lt. Gibson for his former Captain in the Mexican War.…

At Susan’s Grave: Her Rose Today

A sunny warmish early afternoon day last week, and retired logging industry truckdriver Morgan Baynham, New Jersey suburbanite “city person” friend visiting me, Suzanne Glatt,…

What Does The AV Unity Club Do?

Abbreviated Overview of Historical and Current Projects 1920’s - Promoted the extension of the highway from Navarro to the mouth of the river. 1930’s -…
