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Posts published in “News”

Forces Of Nature

In my previous article on the three major, unpredictable forces of nature — wildfire, wind and earthquake — in Anderson Valley, I focused on wildfire and wind and my experiences during my valley years, from…

The Pitiless Light Of Publicity

The case of The People vs. The Crane Sitter has been assigned to Matthew Hubley, a trial deputy from the District Attorney’s office. The Crane Sitter was originally charged with a trespassing infraction.  At the…

River Views

The State Parks project to remove the remnants of the old Ten Mile Haul Road is a boondoggle. For those who may have forgotten, the common definition of boondoggle is: to do work of little…

Is Garberville Going To Hell?

The effects of Garberville’s transient population are said to have reached a critical point and merchants have appealed to the Board of Supervisors for help in dealing with a variety of social problems related to…

Mendocino County Today: August 30, 2013

WE KNEW Victoria Shanahan as Victoria Jenny when she worked as a Mendocino County senior prosecutor under the late DA, Norm Vroman. A native of Willits where her dad worked for RemCo, Ms. Jenny married…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. The AV Brewery’s Fal Allan, (no relation to Ken Allen, former Brewery owner and one-time Father Christmas at Macy’s) responded to my…

Forces Of Nature

As regular readers of my occasional articles have probably realized by now, I find nature — in all its forms — fascinating. Maybe we lived closer to nature during my time in Anderson Valley from…

Who Will Stop CalTrans?

In the pre-dawn hours of August 18th, CalTrans contractor FlatIron Construction sent a fleet of dump trucks and excavators into one of inland Mendocino County's most historically pivotal sites, Mendocino Forest Products Co's shuttered Apache…

The Jury Got Robbed

The courtroom can be better entertainment than cable TV. Tragedy, comedy, and everything in between plays every day all day at the County Courthouse, sometimes in one guy  —  one guy like Marc Radcliffe. Mr.…
