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Posts published in “News”

North Of The Golden Gate

Dave Helvarg is the author of a number of books, the most recent The Golden Shore: California's Love Affair with the Sea, a fascinating account of Helvarg's travels from one end of California's coast to…

Chestnut Ridge Ranch

In 1976 we started our long search for the perfect place to live in the country. Tom had spent a very wonderful year on his grandfather’s peach farm in the Ozarks when he was 9…

A Skeleton In Sneakers

On the eve of the eve of Halloween (October 29th, 2012) just one year ago, a local man and his daughter kayaked to their favorite mushrooming spot on the Eel River just south of the…

Adios, Farm Bureau

When I was a pre-school child, the beginning of November meant going out at the crisp crack of dawn with my father to help cut cypress branches, miniature Christmas trees, salal, and white fir branches.…

Crab Season To Open

The state’s Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) reports that Dungeness crab in two out of three tested ports in the northern region have met the shell-to-meat ratio needed to open the commercial crabbing season…

Mendocino County Today: November 4, 2013

ON OCTOBER 12, 2013, KZYX GENERAL MANGER JOHN COATE wrote on his blog that when (if?) the Open Lines program comes back, “maybe we should rename the show ‘How Do You Know?’ so that…

Pirates Best Panthers

It was the 2013 Homecoming Game, and the Anderson Valley Panthers were playing the Point Arena Pirates for the right to play the Mendocino Cardinals on November 9th for the NCL III Football Championship. It…

Goodness Grows With Sarah Larkin

Sarah Larkin is the brand new owner (two months so far) of a small local nursery called “Goodness Grows” at 11201 Anderson Valley Way in Boonville that was previously owned by Greg and Wendy Ludwig…

Half A Mil & You’re Free To Go

The latest offer to settle the case against Will Parrish hinges on his agreeing to own up to $490,000 in damages claimed by Caltrans but only two counts of trespassing.
