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Posts published in “News”

Yoga Is Freedom, Not Hippy Dippy Hocus Pocus

In June, I will have the pleasure of calling this Valley my home for 40 years — 40 years of hard work, splitting firewood, chain sawing, T-post driving, motorcycles, horses, humping plywood, sheetrock, pounding nails,…

Mendocino County Today: November 24, 2013

LONG TIME COUNTY CAO-CEO, AL BELTRAMI, HAS DIED. Sheriff Tom Allman has posted this statement: "Today, 11/23/13, a legend in Mendocino County passed away. His name was Al Beltrami. He had that magic ability to make…

Valley People

GREG LUDWIG is raving about his conversion to yoga, which he now faithfully practices at Kira Brennan's SoBo (South Boonville) studio behind All That Good Stuff. Greg, a guy who does a lot of heavy…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Fifty years ago, on November 22nd, 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Har­vey Oswald, Cuban dissidents, the KGB, the CIA, and…

Panthers Win League Championship

The postseason for the High School Boys’ soccer team began in earnest last Wednesday (November 13) with a home match in the quarter-finals against Geyser­ville, a team the Panthers had beaten twice in the regular…

Supes To Factory Neighbors: Shut Up

In a purely symbolic move on Tuesday, November 5, the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors discussed a “Right To Industry” ordinance that would tell anybody living near  industrial activity in the County to just shut…

Crazy Vatos Dos

Fort Bragg gangster Ivan Sanchez survived an effort to indict him on the attempted murder of his girlfriend last week. The indictment failed — not due to any impression of innocence Sanchez made on the…

Nameless, Faceless Helpers

Last week some local newspapers published what was essentially a press release from Mendocino County’s Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA). The article opens with the line, “Responding to ‘local media (reports) of allegations of…

In Judge Brennan’s Courtroom

When Fort Bragg Police Chief Scott Mayberry comes to the Ten Mile Court and stays for over an hour and his name isn’t on any witness or subpoena list, then something is up. When Judge…
