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Posts published in “News”

The Hungry Hollow Gunslinger

When Brandon Johnson arrived in court for his sentencing last Friday, he hardly looked the part of a gunslinger. In fact, the guerilla growers and bush hippies of Hungry Hollow, Philo, would have had to…

Off The Record (Feb 11, 2014)

A MEETING to discuss the announcement that the College of the Redwoods plans to close its Fort Bragg campus will be held Monday, February 17th at Fort Bragg Town Hall, 12 noon to 2pm. ANOTHER…

A Tramp-Like Bird of Prey Abroad

What better refuge from the elements than a pub?! As has been the case for centuries, the pubs are most welcoming, particularly those outside the trendy city center areas, those that provide a warm and cozy atmosphere somewhat representative of local people’s living rooms.

Mendo’s Labor Wars

The slo-mo labor relations trainwreck between SEIU 1021 and Mendocino County continues to play out with both sides having now issued dueling press releases based on the findings and recommendations of a “fact finding” panel.…

Alcohol & Other Drug Programs

The President’s State of the Union Address pointed up the specter of income disparity and the need for a boost in the minimum wage to narrow the gap. He practically got on his knees and…

Conduct Unbecoming…

Susan Keegan was found dead in her Ukiah home more than three years ago. Her husband, Dr. Peter Keegan, was the only other person in the home when Mrs. Keegan died. The death certificate reads…

Off The Record (Feb 4, 2014)

CONGRESSMAN HUFFMAN visited Boonville High School a couple of weeks ago. No, it has not yet been declared a crime scene. I wonder, though, what the captive, photo-opted students made out of it?

Willits Photographer Sues CalTrans, CHP

An unlimited civil claim was filed this month against CalTrans and the California Highway Patrol for actions leading up to and including the arrest in July of ‘The Willits News' photographer Steve Eberhard. Eberhard was arrested while attempting to photograph Willits bypass protesters.
