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Posts published in “News”

Point Arena To Hire New Manager &c

Special Meeting and Closed Session Purpose of Special Meeting / Hiring Committee Meeting: - City Council and the Hiring Committee to conduct initial interviews of potential candidate(s) for the Interim City Manager Position 1. Call…

2014 Spring Walnut Grafting Demonstration

Mendocino Permaculture highly recommends this free educational event at Alex Suchan’s farm in Upper Lake, for those who are serious about understanding what tree grafting is, what it does, and how to go about performing…

Jackson Demonstration State Forest Advisory Group

The Jackson Demonstration State Forest Advisory Group (JAG) meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 29, 2014.  This will be an all-day field meeting leaving at 9:00 AM from Jackson Demonstration State Forest (JDSF) Headquarters,…

Research & The River (Part 2)

These articles were begun in early February this year in an atmosphere of deep anxiety from the driest thirteen months this reporter had ever seen in 43 years in Anderson Valley. Since then, at least…

Redwood Valley Going Dry

Redwood Valley has the most fragile water supply in Mendocino County. Because of its limited storage capacity, the Redwood Valley County Water District has been on a new-hookup moratorium since 1989. Redwood Valley County Water…

‘Cut Away, Barrister!’

Eric Galloway crossed the double yellow line on the Coyote Valley Reservation north of Ukiah, giving Tribal Officer Greg Salisbury probable cause to pull him over. When Officer Salisbury got up to Mr. Galloway’s vehicle…

Off The Record (Apr 23, 2014)

THE BUDDY ELLER CENTER will soon close. Funding has mostly evaporated. This means a lot more homeless people on the streets of Ukiah. A reader clarifies: “Your informant may have heard that Jackie Williams, Ford…
