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Posts published in “News”

Another One

Another wifebeater was in court this week. There seem to be armies of them out there. Used to be the woman's male relatives took care of the beater. Anymore, it's one more unhappy task for…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Public Defenders;
Gelhaus Not Charged;
Fugitive on Bicycle;
Catch of the Day;
Chronic Liars;
Working Overtime;
Appreciating Roger;
Weed County;
Men's Fashion;
Dylan Songs;
Food Money;
Living Dead;
WTF Andy;
No Tunnels

Presenting the 5th Annual Not-So-Simple Living Fair

with a focus on “LIVING WITH DROUGHT” by Jen Burnstad The 2014 Not-So-Simple Living Fair promises to be the best ever! Friday through Sunday, July 25-27, at the Mendocino County Fairgrounds in Anderson Valley local…

Would Wood?

Driftwood sculptures explore possibilities of wood Family Fun event ties in with "Growth Rings" exhibit by Roberta Werdinger Children and adults will have a chance to work with their own small piece of wood on…

Elk Fire to Host 10th Annual BBQ

The Elk Volunteer Fire Department invites you to cool down at the coast at its 10th annual Summer BBQ to be held Saturday, July 26, from noon to 4 p.m. at the Greenwood Community Center…

Willits Bypass Project to Go Into Suspension

On June 20, 2014, the US Army Corps of Engineers suspended Caltrans’ permit to construct the Willits Bypass Project. The costs to keep contractor crews on standby and other delay costs have added an estimated $800,000 to the Willits Bypass Project from June 20 through July 7, and are accumulating at about $100,000 per day. Due to these costs, Caltrans has notified our contractors that we intend to suspend work effective July 8 at the end of the day’s work until the Corps’ permit suspension is lifted.

Travels With Charlie

As many of you have already heard, on Wednesday of last week Charlie Paget Seekins was very seriously injured when he fell from a tree he was working in. Charlie is the son of Diane…

The Sounds Of Sierra Fest

Saturday's closer Shaggy, a superstar dancehall reggae singer/toaster of the 1990s, was a controversial headliner from the start - months before the show, online comments like "Shaggy? LOL" appeared, with true, (older?) reggae fans wondering what he was doing as a headliner, if at the festival at all. His actual appearance did nothing to resolve the conflict. People jammed both the front of the stage, cheering, and the exits, jeering. Shaggy's oft-crude demeanor and language was not all that rude by dancehall standards but struck many as out-of-place and insulting.

But She Said I Didn’t Do It

Tyler Elza was shocked when his jury took only an hour to tell him he was a woman-beating son of a bitch. Elza couldn't believe it. Hell, the woman had just told the jury that…
