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Posts published in “News”

Inside Moves, Take 2

As many readers may know, last week I wrote about former Fort Bragg Police Chief Scott Mayberry having falsely accused a fellow Fort Bragg PD officer of leaking an official incident report. Near the end…

Revisiting the Belle Rodriguez Murder Case

The small town of Covelo in central Mendocino County is nestled in the Round Valley, to the west of the Mendocino National Forest and east of Highway 101, miles inland from the coast. It is located within the Round Valley Indian Reservation of the Pomo Tribe, though the town itself is only 40% Native American. With a population of under 1300, Covelo is known as a home to many artists in a variety of media, including traditional native craftspeople.

Mendocino County, The Dark Side

May 2005: Donald Cavanaugh, 63, of Illinois, was reported missing. His vehicle was subsequently found in Westport. James Denoyer remains the only suspect in his uncle’s disappearance. Denoyer is presently a resident of Lake County.

Supes Notes

Mendo’s Health & Human Services Agency boss, Stacey Cryer, generally does little more in Board meetings than introduce members of her staff who proceed to make dubious statements about things over which the Board has…

Bird’s Eye View (Jan 7, 2015)

Welcome to 2015 and may it be happy and healthy for all of you. Made any New Year’s Resolutions? These are difficult to maintain of course and perhaps we should not put too much pressure on ourselves. As Benjamin Franklin wisely once advised, “Resolve to perform what you ought to do; then perform without fail what you have resolved.” Easy right? Anyway, that’s your Quote of the Week.

2015 Professional Pianist Concert January 10 & 11

This Saturday, January 10th at 7 p.m and Sunday, January 11 at 2 p.m., the 23rd annual 2015 Professional Pianist Concert will be held at the Mendocino College Center Theatre. Featured performers are Spencer Brewer,…

Pieta Creek Controlled Burn

Hopland – Monday, January 5 and Tuesday, January 6, 2015, at noon CAL FIRE – Mendocino Unit will be conducting another vegetation management control burn on privately-owned land in the Pieta Creek watershed in the…

Poetry Jam/Slam

Dear Poets and faithful supporters of poetry, For the past fifteen years, the Mendocino County branch of California Poets In the Schools (with the generous support of MCOE, participating teachers, students, the Arena Theater and…

Welcome to the Titanic, Ladies & Gents

The Mendocino County Executive Office Announces Swearing-In Ceremony For Newly Elected And Re-Elected Mendocino County Officials The Mendocino County Board of Supervisors will conduct a swearing-in ceremony for newly elected and re-elected Mendocino County officials…
