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Posts published in “News”

Library Events

District Teens @ Ukiah Library will be hosting: Wii-U Gaming for Teens at the Ukiah Library every Thursday 3:30-5:30pm beginning April 9th   Wii-U Gaming for Teens is coming to the Ukiah Library beginning on…

Tanoaks, Fire Dangers & MRC

The use of an herbicide (imazapyr) to kill tanoaks on timberlands was the immediate issue that brought out 120 Mendocino citizens to the March 5th meeting at the Comptche Community Center. Who wants to live…

Stop the Hare Creek Mall

Developers are proposing to remove the hill behind the former College of the Redwoods, and replace it with stores and a parking lot. Instead of ocean views and open space, visitors at the junction of Hwy 1…

La Forge & Le Wolfe

We were about to hear how it came to pass that Ashley LaForge had, that raw February morning, taken the stand to call Officer Peter Hoyle a liar, and that same afternoon got herself busted…

Bird’s Eye View (Mar 18, 2015)

Several regulars at the 3-Dot and myself wish to pass on our congratulations to owner Tom Towey on the Fourth Anniversary of his Buckhorn restaurant and pub in the heart of Boonville. Recalling those months in late 2010 and early 2011, I remember well Tom’s perseverance as he fought through the ridiculous red tape and mind-boggling bureaucracy that Mendocino County provides as obstacles for anyone who is planning to open a pub/restaurant.

Greenfield’s Pomo Relics

Systemic and widespread murder, land expropriation, forced sterilization, kidnapping and forced indoctrination of children via a residential school system that persisted for nearly a century, destruction of languages and outlawing of spiritual traditions, and commercialization…

Off the Record (Mar 18, 2105)

COURTESY of the invaluable Mendocino TV (, we watched the entire Monday night meeting of the Fort Bragg City Council. On the whole, it was quite interesting and, in a way, predictable, especially the rambling…

Wildlife Film Fest, March 20

On Friday, March 20th , the award-winning "On a River in Ireland" will be featured at the International Wildlife Film Festival, playing at the Ukiah Civic Center at 101 Seminary Avenue.

Calling All Willits Knitters

Due to popular demand, Willits library will be increasing the drop-in knitting circle from one Saturday per month to every Saturday. This event will now be held every Saturday from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM at the…
