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Posts published in “News”

Bird’s Eye View (Aug 19, 2015)

Greetings one and all. Are you are sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin. I am taking a break this week so the column will consist of just Public Service Announcements and other brief salutations and…

Off the Record (Aug 19, 2015)

THE COMBINATION of Governor Brown's realignment and Prop 47 aren't good for any community, but for an outlaw-heavy community like remote Covelo the twin measures are likely to be lethal. Realignment basically dumped a lot…

Free Families & Addictions Forum

(Sep 22-24) NAMI Mendocino County ( presents Families and Addictions. Three Free Educational Forums with co-authors of the book Families and Addictions: How to Stop the Chaos and Restore Family Balance, Patrick L. Brown PhD…

Albion River Bridge Investigation

Community Meeting to be held by Department Of Toxic Substances Control on Sept. 10 at the Albion Elementary School about DTSC's initial investigation of the Albion River bridge. We would like the community to come to…

Citizenship & Corporate Power

This is just a reminder to anyone who might have intended to sign up. Michael St. John and I are teaching "Citizenship in an Age of Corporate Power.” Class starts this Thursday, Sept 10th, from…

Bird’s Eye View (Aug 12, 2015)

Statistics continue to support the impression created by the grim sequence of mass shootings in this country that such incidents are becoming more common. These are frequently highlighted by the ramshackle system of background checks for gun-buyers. Gun lobbyists and their allies say the answer is for more law-abiding Americans to carry guns in colleges, or shopping malls, or churches. This impulse to self-defense in kind is natural, but surely mistaken. Does keeping guns or carrying them around make people safer? All research suggests it does not. In fact keeping guns at home doubles the risk of a resulting homicide.

The Latest From Radio Snarl

Having arrived early to the June 29th meeting of the KZYX Board of Directors, I was delighted by the four stacks of informational handouts available to the public. Upon closer examination, I noticed the absence…

SoHum Pot Bank Probs

In a panel discussion on banking and the medical marijuana industry, Southern Humboldt credit union managers highlighted the legal challenges of complying with various layers of law. State Board of Equalization Member Fiona Ma convened…
