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Posts published in “News”

Recruiting & Retaining Deputies

(Excerpted from Mendocino County Undersheriff Randy Johnson's report to the Board of Supervisors, September 8, 2015) “It's difficult to get qualified candidates. Of the qualified candidates you do get there are still a percentage that don't…

Mendo’s Mental Health Blues

At the Board Of Supervisors meeting on September 8th, Mental Health Board member Nancy Sutherland asked for clarification of the County's plans to put the current mental health contracts out for bid again although the…

KZYX License Renewed by FCC

On September 15th, after almost two years of delay, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) finally granted renewal of the KZYX license. The news was first received by Director Meg Courtney through an email from Congressman…

Rutherford The Innocent

The sad and tragic tale of Rutherford the Innocent was the only newsworthy case over the past week. It sometimes happens that all we find in the Mendocino County Courthouse is a parade of the…

Off the Record (Sep 23, 2015)

CLIPPIES are collecting signatures in shopping areas around the County to qualify a June 2016 ballot measure that would prevent timber companies from hack-and-squirt tree thinning. The initiative already has a broad base of support,…

Bird’s Eye View (Sep 23, 2015)

Despite widespread fears, only two local girls, now college graduates in fact, ran off with the carnies at this year’s Fair and both were back at work on Tuesday morning, neither of whom were the worse for wear for their experience.

Fort Bragg’s Civil War

Last week PBS re-broadcast Ken Burns' landmark documentary The Civil War. Monday, September 14th, Fort Bragg played out its version at the City Council meeting.

Beware The Gravitron

The trial for Jose Carmona ended last Friday after lengthy testimony from an eight-year-old girl, Jane Doe, who says the operator of the Gravitron (Carmona) exposed himself to her last June at the fair in Ukiah. El pervo was subsequently charged with two counts — annoying or molesting a child under 14, and indecent exposure. At the time of this writing, the jury was still deliberating his innocence.
