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Posts published in “Local News”

Q&A with Mindy Galliani

Last week, I sat down with Mindy Galliani, Aaron Vargas's sister, at the Vargas family home in Fort Bragg. Mindy has been working virtually full-time…

In Vargas Case, Prosecutors Bring Out the Big Guns

It’s official. The Aaron Vargas murder trial has entered the realm of theabsurd. Facing a tough trial in a county known for its independent, anti-authoritarian…

Valley Oaks RV Park?

Some Mendocino County folks are gasping about the possibility of the shuttered Valley Oaks food and wine center in Hopland, once known globally for its magnificent organic gardens, becoming an RV park.

Bird’s Eye View by Turkey Vulture

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comforta­bly then I shall begin. There will be no mention of The Boonville Lodge this week. I…

An Interview with Mindy Galliani (VIDEO)

Mindy Galliani, sister of accused murderer Aaron Vargas, talks about vigilantism, the rights of sex offenders and much more.

From the Blogs: Mendo Media Goes Pop

The company that owns most of the newspapers in Mendocino County--along with most print media in Northern California--is filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Don’t Cry For Me, Point Arena

The trial continues of former Point Arena Elementary principal Matt Murray, who lifted the troubled school from probation and was fired behind closed doors.
