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Posts published in “Local News”

Off the Record 3/17/2010

This week: deVall & the 5th District Supes race, the Rural Legal Club, Mendo Branch, Tichinin's "Day of Action" and much more...

Going Professor

When Amy Bishop was hired by the University of Alabama in Huntsville seven years ago, she appeared to have everything going for her: she was…

Timber Down, Subdivisions Up

The economic value of timberlands has fallen, there is a decrease in industrial ownership and tim­berland subdivisions have increased, county planning staff has told the…

‘Bring Down the Eel Dams’

The Friends of the Eel River (FOER) has filed a petition asking the State Water Resources Control Board to “protect public trust resources on the Eel River and prevent unreasonable use of water” by reducing or eliminating PG&E’s water rights. And after hearing requests for the county to become involved as a supporting party, supervisors showed interest in doing so.

Is Lintott Playing Pot Politics?

For two years a high-profile pot case against a Ukiah teacher hung in legal limbo. But an unexplained decision by DA Lintott to suddenly forge ahead with felony prosecution of teacher Jeff Burrell has shocked his family and friends and cast his teaching career in doubt.
