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Posts published in “Valley People”

Valley People

CAN'T MISS the large Boonville signs pleading that our deputies and now our health center be saved. It looks like we'll probably lose our enormously popular junior deputy, Craig Walker, whose assiduous attention to The…

Valley People

THE AV HEALTH CENTER really is in trouble. Big trouble. Some of it their own doing, of course, via an overly grand building expansion, but it's got to be saved because it is vital to…

Valley People

WE WERE SHOCKED at the sudden passing of Tonya Housley who died Saturday in Ukiah. I remember Tonya as a toddler. I'm very sorry to know that she's gone. YOU ALREADY KNOW that the governor…

Valley People

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JASON. I love you, Bridgett.” A young woman called this one in early Tuesday morning. I knew she was young because women over the age of 30… well, Jason, Bridgett sounded like she…

Valley People

GARY ABBOTT of Boonville was headed to Philo about 6am Tuesday morning when, on the Philo side of the Grange, two horses suddenly appeared in front of Abbott's truck. They'd apparently run on to the…

Valley People

ANDERSON VALLEY said goodbye to Fritz Kuny last Sunday at graveside services conducted by Pastor Willie Roberts followed by a gathering of the old logger's extensive population of family and friends at the Apple Hall.…

Valley People

LIKE EVERYONE ELSE who knew Fritz Kuny, I'm really sorry to see him go. Another old logger who began his long life in the Mendocino County forests woods as a kid, and went on working…

Valley People

SARA IVEY, the pleasant and capable manager at the Boonville School’s office, graciously provides the latest personnel updates: 1. Kira Brennan has applied to return to duty from leave of absence 2. Robert Waring, long-time…

Valley People

DEPUTY SQUIRES will be honored by the Sheriff's Department as “Deputy of the Year” at the Elk's Lodge, Ukiah, this Saturday night, an honor well-deserved and long overdue. PAUL MEILLEUR of Philo writes: On Monday,…
