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Posts published in “Valley People”

Valley People (May 14, 2014)

MONDAY, MAY 19TH, 5:30pm, a crucial board meeting convenes at the Anderson Valley Health Center, Boonville, the nut of which is the concern that mismanagement of the facility is imperiling it. Be there. THE ANDERSON…

Valley People (May 7, 2014)

IT'S BEEN AWHILE since the Anderson Valley produced an Eagle Scout. I believe Norman Clow was an Eagle Scout and I believe Austin Clow, Norman's son may have been another. AFTER AN OVER-LONG time with…

Valley People (Apr 30, 2014)

JORGE CERVANTES, 49, of Philo died Thursday afternoon a little after 4pm when the car he was riding in suddenly veered off Highway 128 at the bend in the road at Mile Marker 32 on…

Valley People (Apr 23, 2014)

DEPUTY SQUIRES has sold his house and he and Mrs. Deputy have done moved to Sonoma County. For almost four decades The Deputy, and he was the deputy all that time, has been a central figure in the life of The Valley.

Valley People (Apr 16, 2014)

CAPTAIN RAINBOW and Yvonne Dunton were welcomed home Sunday with a party at The Captain's Redwood Ridge home. The couple, as locals know, managed to escape from Myanmar where they'd been threatened by a Buddhist…

Valley People (Apr 9, 2014)

UNCONFIRMED RUMORS say Captain Rainbow and Yvonne Dunton will soon be back in the Valley. They'd been working in an ethnically tense region of Myanmar, formerly Burma, when they inadvertently became the centerpiece of an…

Valley People (Apr 2, 2014)

I NEVER thought I'd write this sentence: "Rainbow has sparked an International incident." The popular Boon­ville man, whose given name is Robert Salisbury, has been living and working in Myanmar, formerly Burma, in an area…

Valley People (Mar 26, 2014)

MRS. RICHARD, of the excellent Coq au Vin restaurant at Floodgate, Navarro, visited us Monday morning. Gracious but unhappy, she explained the extended period of medical misfortune which has plunged her culinarily talented family into…

Valley People (Mar 19, 2014)

Noting the presence of a pump and 3-inch pipe helping itself to the flow near the confluence of the Indian, Anderson and the Rancheria all-year streams where they join to form the Navarro River
