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Posts published in “Valley People”

Valley People (July 16, 2014)

DR. MARK APFEL has been relieved of his duties as medical director and chief medical officer at the Anderson Valley Health Center. No reasons given, and if there's a distinction between the two functions, if…

Valley People (July 9, 2014)

THE SAD NEWS has reached us from Arizona that Sandy Liebig has died. Sandy and her husband Larry lived in central Boonville when their three children — two girls and two boys — were of…

Valley People (July 2, 2014)

TWO LOCAL CALLERS this week were alarmed at the swathes of dead trees they could see on Mendocino Redwood Company land to the northwest. MRC uses an herbicide to kill non-commercial trees. Another local said the men who do the hacking and squirting, are ferried to the work site in a white vans with a white pump/hose truck bearing the logo “Great Tree Tenders — Rehabilitation and Restoration.” And, in smaller print, “Farm Labor Contractor.”

Valley People (June 25, 2014)

THE GIRLS of my youth never looked like this! Boonville hosted the Sierra Nevada World Music Festival this weekend, as if you could have missed shoals of half-clad rasta-babes in central Boonville. Or quarter-clad. Or,…

Valley People (June 18, 2014)

THE BOONVILLE GRADUATION drew a large crowd for Anderson Valley, the largest I've seen. Children of Mexican immigrants made up a large majority of the graduates, and the Mexicans turned out in force. The class of 2014 struck me as serious, mature even, especially for high school kids, perhaps because Mexican kids, in the Anderson Valley anyway, are raised in strong, intact families solidly aware of the decadent seductions presented by their adopted country and have worked to inoculate their young against them.

Valley People (June 11, 2014)

BRIAN MURPHY chips in another drought indicator: “California buckeyes are a good indicator of soil moisture as they shut down and drop their leaves to preserve themselves when soil moisture reaches low levels. The buckeyes are still flowering at the same time as they are starting to shut down and drop their leaves.” Looking around at The Valley's buckeyes, they're in full flower.

Valley People (June 4, 2014)

At 5:16am the Boy Scout Camp, Navarro, reported a “combative, hallucinogenic (sic) patient. A 500-person “juggling fair” was underway at the Camp. We suspect, however, a rave whose alleged 500 attendees were juggling ecstasy, some of which they just happened to ingest, hence the combative, hallucinating juggler.

Valley People (May 28, 2014)

MEMORIAL DAY came and went without discernible pause from the beer and great hunks of grilled meat it has come to mean, but a few people did pay tribute to all those lost hundreds of thousands, most of them very young, who went off to do what they thought was the right thing and never came back.

Valley People (May 21, 2014)

A YOUNG MAN, still not identified, was killed Saturday morning when he was hit by a falling tree limb a little after 9am at the Scharffenberger Winery, Philo. The victim and another man were trimming…
